Traits Documentation
Overview of all Natcats traits
Natcats supply is 8064 as of block 830591. Frequency for each trait is a snapshot in time, and will change as new Bitcoin blocks containing the hex bits pattern "3b" are introduced.
Every Natcat is unique, and all future Natcats will be unique.
Special Traits
Special traits are traits that are not found in every Natcat. Nested and intersectional pattern sets are used to establish trait relationships and levels of rarity.
Pattern Set "Contains 420" Type: nested
Contains “4” and "0"
1446 (17.9%)
Contains “420”
+ Catnip for cigarette
38 (0.47%)
Pattern Set "Contains 8s" Type: nested
Contains "8" and "8"
Bow Right
977 (12.1%)
Contains “88”
+ Bow Left
244 (3.0%)
Contains “888”
+ Bow Tail
17 (0.2%)
Contains “8888”
+ Alien Bow Tie
1 (<0.1%)
Contains “88888”
+ Double Alien Bow Tie
0 (unreleased)
Pattern Set "Contains 9s" Type: nested
Contains "9" and "9"
473 (5.9%)
Contains “99”
244 (3.0%)
Contains “999”
Alien Fish
17 (0.2%)
Contains “9999”
Giant Alien Fish
1 (<0.1%)
Pattern Set "Contains 0s" Type: nested
Contains “0”
Earring Left
2572 (31.9%)
Contains “00”
+ Earring Right
242 (3.0%)
Contains “000”
+ Alien Earring Left
17 (0.2%)
Contains “0000”
+ Alien Earring Right
1 (<0.1%)
Contains “00000”
+ Alien Tiara
0 (unreleased)
Pattern Set "Contains 1s" Type: nested
Contains “11”
152 (1.9%)
Contains “111”
+ Fly’s earring
8 (0.1%)
Contains “1111”
+ Fly’s alien earring
0 (unreleased)
Contains “11111”
+ Fly’s laser eyes
0 (unreleased)
Pattern Set "Contains perfect square" Type: intersectional
Contains 4 digit perfect square AND core trait eyes look right is TRUE
Laser Eyes Right
207 (2.5%)
Contains 4 digit perfect square AND core trait eyes look left is TRUE
Laser Eyes Left
17 (0.2%)
Contains 4 digit perfect square AND core trait eyes look crossed is TRUE
Laser Eyes Crossed
2 (<0.1%)
Contains 5 digit perfect square
43 (0.5%)
Contains 6 digit perfect square
Laser Pointer
5 (<0.1%)
*Laser eyes has conditional variations based on "look direction" (see core traits). Laser eye direction will match the direction of look direction trait.
Pattern Set "Is multiple" Type: intersectional
Is multiple of “12”
Rainbow Collar
672 (8.3%)
Is multiple of “13”
620 (7.7%)
Is multiple of “14”
Orange Collar
576 (7.1%)
Is multiple of “15”
536 (6.6%)
Is multiple of “16”
504 (6.3%)
Is multiple of “69”
Spikes Collar
116 (1.4%)
Pattern Set "Is multiple 11" Type: intersectional
Is multiple of 11
732 (9.1%)
Is multiple of “888”
Alien Mouse
8 (0.1%)
Pattern "Power of 7" Type: n/a (single trait)
Contains power of 7
2509 (31.1%)
Pattern Set "Contains 6-digit Palindrome" Type: n/a (single trait)
Contains 6 digit palindrome
Alien Diamond
7 (<0.1%)
Pattern Set "Contains Fibonacci" Type: intersectional
Contains 3 digit fibonacci
Blood drips
283 (3.5%)
Contains 4 digit fibonacci
Brow Piercing
4 (<0.1%)
Contains 5 digit fibonacci
1 (<0.1%)
Contains 6 digit fibonacci
0 (unreleased)
Contains 7 digit fibonacci
0 (unreleased)
Core Traits
Core traits are traits for which a variation is found in every Natcat. Exclusive pattern sets are used.
Pattern Set "Side of Array" Type: Exclusive (establishes left/right/center segments of an array assuming layout of 10000 block numbers per row, as a reference to metaverse frameworks like Bitmap).
Last 4 digits are < 4800 (left side of array)
Eyes look right
6288 (78.0%)
Last 4 digits are > 5200 (right side of array)
Eyes look left
1424 (17.7%)
Last 4 digits > 4800 and < 5200 (center of array)
Eyes cross-eyed
352 (4.4%)
Digit-based Pattern sets The following pattern sets assign traits based on the digits of Bitcoin block numbers. Digits are assigned in reverse order. So in the Bitcoin block number 456789, the numerical value for digit 1 is “9”. Pattern set "Digit 1 value" Type: exclusive Determines head color
D1 = 0
Head = Dark grey, shade 1
807 (10.0%)
D1 = 1
Head = Indigo, shade 1
807 (10.0%)
D1 = 2
Head = Lilac, shade 1
804 (10.0%)
D1 = 3
Head = Yellow, shade 1
804 (10.0%)
D1 = 4
Head = Blue, shade 1
805 (10.0%)
D1 = 5
Head = Brown, shade 1
805 (10.0%)
D1 = 6
Head = Light grey, shade 1
808 (10.0%)
D1 = 7
Head = Green, shade 1
808 (10.0%)
D1 = 8
Head = Pink, shade 1
808 (10.0%)
D1 = 9
Head = Orange, shade 1
808 (10.0%)
Pattern set "Digit 2 value" Type: exclusive Determines body/tail color
D2 = 0
Body/Tail = Dark grey, shade 2
800 (9.9%)
D2 = 1
Body/Tail = Indigo, shade 2
800 (9.9%)
D2 = 2
Body/Tail = Lilac, shade 2
800 (9.9%)
D2 = 3
Body/Tail = Yellow, shade 2
804 (10.0%)
D2 = 4
Body/Tail = Blue, shade 2
816 (10.1%)
D2 = 5
Body/Tail = Brown, shade 2
812 (10.1%)
D2 = 6
Body/Tail = Light grey, shade 2
800 (9.9%)
D2 = 7
Body/Tail = Green, shade 2
808 (10.0%)
D2 = 8
Body/Tail = Pink, shade 2
820 (10.2%)
D2 = 9
Body/Tail = Orange, shade 2
804 (10.0%)
Pattern set "Digit 3 value" Type: exclusive Determines left ear color
D3 = 0
Left ear = Dark grey, shade 2
800 (9.9%)
D3 = 1
Left ear = Indigo, shade 2
800 (9.9%)
D3 = 2
Left ear = Lilac, shade 2
800 (9.9%)
D3 = 3
Left ear = Yellow, shade 2
816 (10.1%)
D3 = 4
Left ear = Blue, shade 2
800 (9.9%)
D3 = 5
Left ear = Brown, shade 2
816 (10.1%)
D3 = 6
Left ear = Light grey, shade 2
800 (9.9%)
D3 = 7
Left ear = Green, shade 2
800 (9.9%)
D3 = 8
Left ear = Pink, shade 2
800 (9.9%)
D3 = 9
Left ear = Orange, shade 2
832 (10.3%)
Pattern set "Digit 4 value" Type: exclusive Determines right ear color
D4 = 0
Right ear = Dark grey, shade 2
592 (7.3%)
D4 = 1
Right ear = Indigo, shade 2
0 (unreleased)
D4 = 2
Right ear = Lilac, shade 2
744 (9.2%)
D4 = 3
Right ear = Yellow, shade 2
3000 (37.2%)
D4 = 4
Right ear = Blue, shade 2
2304 (28.6%)
D4 = 5
Right ear = Brown, shade 2
0 (unreleased)
D4 = 6
Right ear = Light grey, shade 2
0 (unreleased)
D4 = 7
Right ear = Green, shade 2
0 (unreleased)
D4 = 8
Right ear = Pink, shade 2
424 (5.3%)
D4 = 9
Right ear = Orange, shade 2
1000 (12.4%)
Pattern set "Digit 5 value" Type: exclusive Determines nose color
D5 = 0
Nose = Dark grey, shade 2
0 (unreleased)
D5 = 1
Nose = Indigo, shade 2
0 (unreleased)
D5 = 2
Nose = Lilac, shade 2
5456 (67.7%)
D5 = 3
Nose = Yellow, shade 2
592 (7.3%)
D5 = 4
Nose = Blue, shade 2
2016 (25.0%)
D5 = 5
Nose = Brown, shade 2
0 (unreleased)
D5 = 6
Nose = Light grey, shade 2
0 (unreleased)
D5 = 7
Nose = Green, shade 2
0 (unreleased)
D5 = 8
Nose = Pink, shade 2
0 (unreleased)
D5 = 9
Nose = Orange, shade 2
0 (unreleased)
Pattern set "Digit 6 value" Type: exclusive Determines stripes color
D6 = 0
Stripes = Dark grey, shade 1
0 (unreleased)
D6 = 1
Stripes = Indigo, shade 1
2016 (25.0%)
D6 = 2
Stripes = Lilac, shade 1
0 (unreleased)
D6 = 3
Stripes = Yellow, shade 1
0 (unreleased)
D6 = 4
Stripes = Blue, shade 1
0 (unreleased)
D6 = 5
Stripes = Brown, shade 1
0 (unreleased)
D6 = 6
Stripes = Light grey, shade 1
2016 (25.0%)
D6 = 7
Stripes = Green, shade 1
0 (unreleased)
D6 = 8
Stripes = Pink, shade 1
2016 (25.0%)
D6 = 9
Stripes = Orange, shade 1
0 (unreleased)
Stripes = None
2016 (25.0%)
Last updated